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Pashinyan: ‘If Azerbaijan is preparing its people for war, our response will be the same’

February 12,2019 21:05

While presenting the government plan in parliament, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan spoke about the agreement made between the foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan, according to which both sides need to carry out methods of preparing their people for peace. Pashinyan responded to a deputy’s question of what “preparing people for peace” entails.

“This expression needs to be viewed transitionally. If a government is not preparing its people for peace, then the opposing side or opposing force at the negotiations table can also not prepare its people for peace. This cannot be one-sided,” Nikol Pashinyan emphasized.

Then he spoke about Azerbaijan, the other side at the Artsakh conflict negotiations table. “If our neighbor is preparing its people for war, then our response will be the same. I hope that our neighbor will avoid such activities.”

Luiza Sukiasyan

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