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‘There being no accusation against Serzh Sargsyan does not mean that he has nothing to do with the case’: Armenian National Congress Vice President regarding March 1st

February 28,2019 22:07

“A few years ago, a document was signed by the Prime Minister of Armenia and sent to the European Court of Human Rights. It said that the ten murders of March 1st took place ‘due to their extreme necessity.’ Is there any better testimonial than this? This is Serzh Sargsyan’s and Robert Kocharyan’s testimonial. Didn’t they think that this document and the 0038 order would not be discovered?” Armenian National Congress Vice President and former parliamentary deputy Aram Manukyan told reporters.

Regarding his opinion on why Serzh Sargsyan has not been accused, but instead is viewed as a witness, Aram Manukyan noted, “There being no accusation against him does not mean that he has nothing to do with the case. He was interrogated for six hours. It would have been difficult for him to lie for six hours. We need to be patient. It’s impossible for that case to be presented in such a way that one person will be blamed for it.”

Mass protests were held in Armenia after the presidential elections in 2008. The protests were organized by the supporters of the First President of Armenia, Levon Ter-Petrosian. During the protest held on March 1, 2008, clashes broke out between police and protesters. President Robert Kocharyan declared a 20-day state of emergency.


Luiza Sukiasyan

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