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Levon Zurabyan comments on why Serzh Sargsyan did not carry out second March 1st

March 01,2019 22:09

Vice President of the Armenian National Congress party Levon Zurabyan, who participated in the march in honor of the victims of March 1st, told reporters, “Nothing would have happened on March 1st if negotiations and meetings took place. The people were simply carrying out their constitutional right. When the people were peacefully and civilly carrying out their constitutional right in an organized manner, it was the duty of any government to enter negotiations if there were problems or political clashes. The authorities did not make any attempt to do so because they understood that the only way to keep their authority was to smother the peaceful riots with blood. Which is what they did. And this is a crime that they need to be held responsible for.”

When asked why Serzh Sargsyan did not attempt to try to keep his authority in April through shooting at the people, Levon Zurabyan responded, “If you remember, the people’s riots grew larger when Serzh Sargsyan said that they did not forget the lessons of March 1st. That was the main lesson of March 1st and the people’s heroism. It was impossible for there to be another March 1st in our country. The people who died on March 1st did not die in vain. It was truly an act of heroism, it was the will of the people, and it ensured that there will never be another March 1st in Armenia again.”

Levon Zurabyan believes that the entirety of the March 1st case will be uncovered.

Lusine Budaghyan

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