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25th Commemorations of the Genocide against the Tutsis: ‘Mr. President, it is time to make a statement of truth!’

March 20,2019 17:04

Mr. President,

It has been 25 years since the genocide against the Tutsis has been perpetrated in Rwanda. Over the course of three months, more than one million people were exterminated by extremists coming together as the Hutu Power movement, with a massive participation of the population. The consequences of this genocide are still felt today. This past, particularly for France, does not pass.

Since your election, you have sent signals of hope that the time has come to put an end to the French position characterized by silence and denial since the genocide took place. After 25 years, it is finally time to take the necessary steps in order to shed light on the truth and pursue justice.

Mr. President, next April 7th your place is in Kigali, amongst the highest representatives of the international community. By the side of the survivors. France has cancelled its participation at the 20th commemoration of the genocide; your presence this year would repair this disgrace.

What survivors, youth, French civil society, Rwanda, and Europe are expecting from you first and foremost is that truth be told.

Even though genocide denial persists in its attempt to manipulate History, you must state the obvious : in 1994, in Rwanda, a genocide has been perpetrated against the Tutsi people.

You must further explain the words spoken in Kigali in 2010 from your predecessor, former President of the French Republic Nicolas Sarkozy, who recognized that “errors of judgement and political errors have been made here and have produced absolutely dramatic consequences”. Twenty-five years after the genocide, the time of a whole generation, it is necessary to take this second step : if you wish to open a future relieved from the burden of the past’s misdeeds, it is time to speak out about those “errors”. It is by stating the difficult truths, challenging yet unavoidable, that a path of humanity can be drawn.

Because it has been found for fact : a policy of collaboration has been carried out before, during and after the genocide by a handful of high ranking state officials at the end of president Francois Mitterrand’s second mandate. This policy has been concealed. France, its population and its institutions, such as the Parliament, have been willingly kept in the dark. The Republic cannot be held accountable for the “errors” committed during the mandate of Francois Mitterrand. This must be acknowledged.

You must place justice at the heart of this future. Only three trials against genocide perpetrators have taken place since 1994. The impunity that benefits the perpetrators and their accomplices is unacceptable. In order for justice to be served while expanding the field of knowledge, all archives must be opened and made accessible, as pledged in 2015 by your predecessor, president Francois Hollande, a promise that has still not been carried out.

At last, your words must pave the way to the era of a new relation between the French and Rwandese societies. Youth will be its beating heart. It would be unfair to make youth bear this tragic heritage. Enabling young people from the two countries to meet, share their stories, their experiences, their hopes and their dreams, would be the best way of allowing them to shape a shared and peaceful future, for the current generation as well as for those of the future.

Mr. President, France has an appointment with History. Speaking words of truth, serving justice and helping youth of both countries to come together is the path to follow in order to let the past pass,to pay tribute to the victims, to help ease the suffering of the survivors and to allow the French and the Rwandese societies to look together towards the future.

Please accept, Mr. President, the assurances of our highest consideration.

Benjamin Abtan, President of the European Grassroots Antiracist Movement – EGAM and Coordinator of the Elie Wiesel Network of Parliamentarians in Europe for the Prevention of Mass Crimes; Egide Gatari, President of the Group of Former Students Survivors of the Genocide – GAERG (Rwanda) ; Bernard Kouchner, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs (France); Beate, Serge and Arno Klarsfeld, Leaders of the Sons and Daughters of the Jewish Deportees of France and Lawyer (France and Germany); Emmanuel Muneza, National Coordinator of the Group of Former Students Survivors of the Genocide – GAERG (Rwanda); Patrick de Saint-Exupéry, Journalist and Writer (France); Leymah Gbowee, Nobel Peace Prize (Liberia); Jean Pierre Dusingizemungu and Egide Nkuranga, President and Vice-President of Ibuka (Rwanda); Richard Prasquier, Vice-President of the Foundation for the Memory of the Holocaust and Former President of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (France); Ara Toranian and Frank Papazian, Co-presidents of the Coordinating Council of Armenian Associations of France – CCAF (France); Rithy Panh, Survivor, Writer and Filmmaker (Cambodia); Advija Ibrahimovic, Spokesperson of Women of Srebrenica (Bosnia-Herzegovina); Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Former Member of the European Parliament (France, Germany); Mario Vargas Llosa, Nobel Prize in Literature (Peru); Rich Roberts, Nobel Prize in Medicine (UK); Darrieussecq, Writer (France) ;  Marie Efraim Zuroff, Director of The Simon Wiesenthal Center (Israel); Charles Adeogun-Phillips, Former Lead UN Genocide Crimes Prosecutor (UK) ; David Cormand, National Secretary of Europe Ecology The Greens – EELV (France); Benoît Hamon, Founder of Génération.s. (France) ; Jean-Christophe Lagarde, President of the Union of Democrats and Independents – UDI (France) ; Fabien Roussel, Secretary-general of the French Communist Party – PCF (France); Alain Yser Intwaza, Survivor of the Tustsi Genocide (Rwanda); Henry Theriault, President of International Association of Genocide Scholars – IAGS (USA); Guillaume Ancel, Former Lieutenant-Colonel and Veteran of Operation Turquoise (France); Christian Guémy – C215, Artist (France) ; Danis Tanovic, Film-maker (Bosnia- Herzegovina); Dominique Sopo, President of SOS Racisme (France); Alain Ngirinshuti, Former General Secretary of Ibuka Europe (France); Angela Scalzo, Vice-president of EGAM and Secretary-general of SOS Razzismo (Italy); Mario Stasi and Alain David, President and Member of the Executive Office of the International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism – Licra (France) ; Mario Mazic, Secretary-general of EGAM and Program Board President at Youth Initiative for Human Rights – YIHR (Croatia); Sacha Ghozlan, President of the Union of Jewish student  of France – UEJF (France); Beatrice Uwera, Survivor of the Genocide against the Tutsi (Rwanda); Renée Le Mignot and François Levent,  Co-Presidents of the Movement against Racism and for Friendship between Peoples – MRAP (France); Louis – Georges Tin, Honorary President of the Representative Council of Black Associations of France – CRAN (France);  Zineb El Rhazoui, Journalist (France, Morocco) ; Olivier Py, Director of the Avignon Festival (France) ; Ismaël Wa Muhikira, Survivor of the Genocide against Tutsi (Rwanda); Dafroza and Alain Gauthier, Co-founder and President of Collective of Civil Parties for Rwanda – CPCR (France); Can Dündar, Journalist and Former Editor-in-chief of Cumhuriyet (Turkey); Audrey Pulvar, Founder of “African Pattern” (France); Harout Palanjian, Chairman of the Armenian General Benevolent Union – AGBU Holland (Netherlands) ; Anne-Marie Revcolevschi, Former General Director of the Foundation for the Memory of the Holocaust and Founder of the Aladin Project (France);  Pascal Bruckner, Novelist and Essayist (France); Marek Halter, Writer (France); Eric Didier Rutayisire, Former President of Ibuka Belgium (Belgium); Orlane François, President of the Federation of General Student Associations – FAGE (France) ; Mélanie Luce, President of the National Union of Students of France – UNEF (France); Louis Boyard, President of the National Union of Secondary Students – UNL (France) ; Samuel Szenker, President of the Independent and Democratic Federation of Secondary Students – FIDL (France) ;  Nina Cormier and Théo Garcia-Badin, Federal Secretaries of Youth Ecologists (France) ; Léon Deffontaines and Camille Lainé, Leaders of the Communist Youth Movement of France – MJCF (France) ; Thibaud Eychenne, National Coordinator of Génération-s Youth (France) ; Eliott Pavia Ernest, Matthieu Jouvet, Pauline Blanc, Mahaut Bertu, Spokespersons of the Movement of Young Socialists (France); Thomas Fabre, President of the Youth of the Union of Democrats and Independents – UDI (France); Linda Melvern, British Investigative Journalist (UK); Gaël Faye, Singer and Wrtier (France, Rwanda, Burundi); Jean de Dieu Mirindi, Survivor of the Genocide against Tutsi (Rwanda); Thierry Sebaganwa, Survivor of the Genocide against Tutsi (Rwanda); Fadela Amara, Founder of Ni Putes Ni Soumises – NPNS and Former Secretary of State (France); Julien Dray, Regional Counselor of Ile-de-France (France); Noël Mamère, Former Mayor and Ecologist MP (France); Roberto Romero, , Regional Counselor of Ile-de-France (France); Michel Boujenah, Humorist and Comedian  (France); Sihem Habchi, President of the Simone de Beauvoir Award and Director of Emergency Shelter Center (France); Hervé Féron, Mayor of Tomblaine and Honorary MP (France); Panayote Dimitras, Member of the Executive Bureau of the European Humanist Federation and Spokesperson of the Greek Observatory of the Helsinki Agreements (Greece); Aimable Bayingana, President of the Francophone Cycling Union – UFC (France); Raphaël Haddad, Founder of Mots-Clés (France); Daniel Le Scornet, Former President of the National Mutual Federation and Former Member of the European Economic and Social Committee (France); Ivo Goldstein, Professor at the University of Zagreb, Former Ambassador of Croatia to France and Member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Croatia); Christine Priotto, Mayor of Dieulefit (France); Patrice Leclerc, Mayor of Gennevilliers (France); Elise Le Gall, Lawyer at the Paris Bar and President of the French Association for the Promotion of Universal Jurisdiction – AFPCU (France); Benjamin Stora, Historian (France); Christian Savary, President of Sentiers de la Mémoire and Professor of History (France); Alain Tsion Grabarz, President of the Jewish Youth Movement Hachomer Hatzaïr and Member of the Executive Board of the Representative Council of the Jewish Institutions of France – CRIF (France); Jimmy Losfeld, Former President of the Federation of General Student Associations – FAGE (France); Thomas Anargyros, Producer and President of Storia Television (France); Ofer Bronchtein, President of the International Forum for Peace (France, Israel, Palestine); Aymeric Givord, Member of the Board of Ibuka (France); Sasha Zanko, National Delegate of the European Forum of Travelers and Roma (France); Dominique Tricaud, , Attorney and Treasurer of the International Bar Association Conference – CIB  (France); Dominique Attias, Former Vice-president of the Paris Bar Association (France); Fred Eboko, Doctor of Political Science and Director of Research at the Institute of Research for Development – IRD (France); Anthony Palermo, President of the NGO Sawa For Education (France, Rwanda); Danielle Merian, President of SOS Africans in Danger (France); François Masabo, Professor at the Rwanda National University and Director of the Conflict Management Center (Rwanda); Mahamadou Lamine Sagna, Professor at the American University of Nigeria (France, Nigeria); Jacky Mamou, President of Darfur Emergency Collective (France); François Margolin, Director (France); Géraud de La Pradelle, Professor Emeritus of Law at the University of Paris Nanterre (France); Gilles Hertzog, Journalist and Writer (France); Guillaume Perrier, Journalist (France); Isabelle Wekstein, Lawyer (France); Marc Knobel, Historian at the Representative Council of the Jewish Institutions of France – CRIF (France); Urša Raukar, Comedian (Croatia); Mendel Goldstein, Ina Van Looy and Michel Judkiewicz,  President and Directors of the Laic Jewish Community Center David Susskind – CCLJ (Belgium); Maria Al Abdeh, Director of Women Now For Development  (France, Syria); Marcel Courthiade, Commissioner at the International Rromani Union for Language and Linguistic Rights (France); Muamer Talovic, President of the Bosnian Cultural Association (France); Pasteur René Léonian, President of the Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches of Eurasia (France); Lucien Kemkeng,  President of the Circle of Diversity – CDR (France); Nicolas Tavitian, Municipal Councillor (Belgium); Richard Gisagara, Attorney at Pontoise and at Kigali (France, Rwanda); Cengiz Aktar, Professor at the University of Athens  (Turkey); William Bourdon, Lawyer (France); Michel Kichka, Professor at the Académie des Beaux-Arts Betsalel and Member of Cartooning for Peace (Israel); Ilana Soskin, Lawyer at the Paris Bar (France); Jul, Designer (France); Yannick Piquet, President of the Brussels Federation of Young Socialists (Belgium); Spartacus Ursu, Actor (France); Elie Chouraqui, Director, Writer and Journalist (France); Venuste Mbabazi, Member of Youth for Peace and Development (Rwanda);  Sonia Avakian – Bedrossian and Haik Garabedian, Honorary President and Member of the Board of Directors of the Armenian General Benevolent Union – AGBU Sofia (Bulgaria) ; Déo Mazina, Honorary President of Ibuka and Coordinator of the International Scientific Network of Research and Information on the Genocide – RESIRG (Belgium); Léo Cogos, Activist (France); Gilles Clavreul, Co-founder of Printemps Républicain (France) ; Maria de França, Chief Editor of La Règle du Jeu (France); Maximilien Lerat, President of the Young Socialist Movement of Belgium – MJS (Belgium); Roya Boroumand, Executive Director of Abdorrahman Boroumand Center for Human Rights (Iran); Claude Klein, Professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel); Nuno Wahnon Martins, Director of European Union Affairs for European Jewish Congress – EJC  (Belgium) ; Boubacar Boris Diop, Writer (Senegal) ; Hugo Billard, Professor of geopolitics in Preparatory Classes for Post-Graduate Schools –  CPGE (France); Samia Essabaa, President of Language of Women (France); Vincent Worms, President of Tsadik Fund (USA) ; Pascal Blanchard, Historian (France); Raphaël Chenuil-Hazan, Director of Together Against the Death Penalty – ECPM (France) ; Dismas Kitenge, President of Lotus Group (RDC); Délia and Alexandre Romanès, Directors of Gypsy Circus Romanes and of the Tchiriclif Centre of Romani and Gypsy Arts and Cultures (France); Jovan Divjak, Fomer General, Deputy Director Commander of the Defense Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Defender of besieged Sarajevo and Executive Director of Education Builds Bosnia and Herzegovina – OGBH (Bosnia); Ladan Boroumand, Co-founder of the Boroumand Foundation for Human Rights and Democracy in Iran (Iran); Sarah Frioux-Salgas, Historian and Archivist  (France) ; Georges-Marc Benamou, Producer (France); Nathalie Leroy, Lawyer (France); Sonia Le Gouriellec, Associate Professor in Political Science (France); Peter Meiwald, former member of the Africa Department of Misereor of the Bundestag (Germany); Peter Weisenbacher, Executive Director at Human Rights Institute  (Slovakia); Mandache Marian, Executive Director of Romani Criss (Romania); Fadila Mehal, Councelor of Paris (France); John Tan, Vice-Chairman of Singapore Democratic Party (Singapore); Alain Eugene Daumas, President of the French Union of Gypsi Associations of France (France); Ahmed Farag, Founder of Andalus Institute for Tolerance and anti-Violence Studies (Egypt); Yonous Muhammadi, President of Greek Forum of Refugees (Greece); James Chin, Director of the Asia Institute at the University of Tasmania (Australia); Styopa Safaryan et Armen Vardanyan, Director and Expert at the Armenian Institute of International and Security Affairs – AIISA (Armenia); Jette Møller, President of SOS Racisme Danmark (Denmark); Daria Mustafina, Founder of the Institute of Partnership and Sustainable Development (Ukraine); Marek Gumkowski and Magdalena Czyż, President and Vice-president of Open Republic Association against Anti-semitism and Xenophobia (Poland); Flemming Rose, Journalist, Author and Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute (Denmark); Baskin Oran, Professor Emeritus of International Relations at School of Political Science, Ankara University (Turkey); Witold Klaus and Ewa Grzegrzółka, President and Board Member of the Association for Legal Intervention – SIP (Poland); Deyan Kolev, President of Amalipe Centre for Tolerance and Inter-ethnic Dialogue (Bulgaria); Reyan Tuvi, Director (Turkey); Luís Sottomaior Braga, Professor of History (Portugal); Elzbieta Petrajtis and Paula Sawicka , Board Member and Chairwoman of the Program Board at Open Republic Association (Poland); Ara Sarafian, Founder and Director at Gomidas Institute (UK); Pari Ibrahim, Founder and Executive Director of Free Yezidi Foundation (Netherlands) ; Luciana Minassian, Lawyer, University of Buenos Aires – Law School (Argentina); Krassimir Kanev, President of Bulgarian Helsinki Committee (Bulgaria) ; Ali Bayramoglu, Writer and Political Commentator (Turkey); Rafal Pankowski, Co-founder of Never Again Association (Poland); Samir Mehanovic, Filmmaker (UK); Boris Raonić, President of Civic Alliance (Montenegro); Aleš Kranjc Kušlan, Director of Ekvilib Institute (Slovenia) ; Anetta Kahane, President of Amadeu Antonio Stiftung (Germany); Anhelita Kamenska, Director of Latvian Centre for Human Rights (Latvia); Moavia Ahmet, President of Greek Forum of Migrants (Greece); Jenő Setét, President of the Association We Belong to Here  (Hungary) ; Velma Saric, President of Post-Conflict Research Center – PCRC (Bosnia-Herzegovina); Ali Dolamari, Representative of the Regional Government of Kurdistan in France (Iraqi Kurdistan); Rospin Noel Baito and Yousif Salih, Local Director and Project Manager at the Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights (Iraqi Kurdistan); Yves Ternon, Historian (France) ; Hristo Kyuchukov, Professor of General Linguistics and Intercultural Education, Vice-President of the Gypsy Lore Society and Vice-President of the Eurоasian Romani Academic Network (Bulgaria); Marco Duranti, Senior Lecturer in Modern European and International History at the University of Sydney (Australia); Felicia Waldman, Professor at the Goldstein Goren Center for Hebrew Studies at the University of Bucharest and Delegate of the National Delegation of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance – IHRA (Romania); Ruben H. Mehrabyan, Professor at the Armenian Institute for International and Security Affairs – AIISA (Armenia); Martin Holler, Historian (Germany) ; Vojtěch Blodig, Vice-director of the Terezin Memorial Prague (Czech Republic); Maxim Efimov, Writer and Journalist (Estonia) ; Avtandil Mikaberidze, Chairman of the Education and Cultural Center Caucasus (Greece); Nicolae Radita, President of the National Roma Center of Moldova (Moldova); Đuro Blanuša, Secretary General of Regional Youth Cooperation Office (Albania); Gülüstan Kiliç Koçyi̇ği̇t, Founder and President of Rojava Solidarity Aid Association (Turkey); William Farrugia, Secretary General of the University Students’ Council – KSU (Malta); Lena Köhler, Student President at University of Wien (Austria); Kyle Matthews, Executive Director of the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (Canada); Bojan Stankovic, Director of Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Serbia (Serbia); Ivan Ivanov, Executive Director of the European Roma Information Office – ERIO (Belgium); Olivier Guérin, Director of the Student Movement against Genocide and Mass Violence – STAND (France) ; Joëlle Bordet, Researcher and Psychosociologist (France); Eren Keskin, Co-president of Human Rights Association Istanbul (Turkey); Rafaëlle Maison, Professor of International Law at the University of Paris Sud (France); Simon Clarke, Associate Professor at the American University of Armenia (Armenia) ; Malik Boumediene, , Lecturer of  Public Law and Member of the Center for Studies and Research on Diplomacy – CERDAP2 (France); Marina Agaltsova, Attorney for Human Rights at Memorial (Russia); Geneviève Brisac, Writer (France); Pap Ndiaye, Professor at Sciences Po (France) ; Evren Çevik, Member of Foreign Affairs Commission of Peoples’ Democratic Party (Turkey) ; Bruno Gonçalves Gomes, Spokesperson of the Association of Human Rights (Portugal); Eren Keskin and Ayse Gunaysu, Co-Chair and Member of the Committee Against Racism and Discrimination of the Human Rights Association in Turkey (Turkey); Darius Gishoma, Senior Lecturer at University of Rwanda, College of Medicine and Health Sciences (Rwanda); Armando de la Parra, Director of Director of the Foundation of Support to Parliament and Citizens’ Participation – FUNDAPPAC (Bolivia); Michel Mallard, Creative director (France); Gasana Ndoba, Professor of Comparative African Literature and Former President of the National Commission of Human Rights in Rwanda (Rwanda); Dalykali Gomez Baos, General Coordinator of the Organizing Process of the Rrom-Gitano People of Colombia – PRORROM (Colombia) ; Sayat Tekir, Activist and Spokesperson of the Nor Zartonk Movement (Turkey); Sovachana Pou, Deputy Director of Research and Publications at the Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace (Cambodia); Issouf Aguidid, Director of Thot School (Mali, France); Nicolas Moll, Historian (France, Germany); Stéphan Mirdikian, Honarary Lawyer (Belgium) ; Oleksandra Matviychuk, Chairwoman of the Center for Civil Liberties (Ukraine); Rada Sesic, Film Professional (Netherlands) ; Sabina Achterbergh, President of the Dutch Association of Siniti, Roma Woonwagenbewoners – VSRWN (Netherlands); Amy Sebes, Founder and US Director of the Association of Albanian Girls and Women – AAGW (Albania); Bea Schwager, Director of SPAZ- Sans-Papiers (Switzerland); Oriol López-Badell, Coordination of the European Observatory on Memories – EUROM (Spain); Małgorzata Wosińska, Director Representative for International Cooperation of the Jewish Historical Institute (Poland); Jessica Gérondal Mwiza, Activist (France, Rwanda) ; Oriol Valery Hrytsuk, Coordinator of Independent Democrats Against Authoritative Regimes – IAIDAR (Poland); Lucie Rybová, Director of the Czech Helsinki Committee (Czech Republic); Andrzej Łuczak, President of the Roma Community of Poland (Poland); Goranka Lalić Novak, President of President of Croatian Law Centre (Croatia); Hristo Ivanovski, Human Rights Defender and Poet (Macedonia); Sébastien Goeury, President of Social Action and Sport Association of Bassin Houiller – ASBH (France) ; Haykak Arshamyan, Executive Director at Hayastan All-Armenian Fund (Armenia); Xavier Lambert, Co-director of the International Sector of the National Labor Union of the Higher Education – Unitarian Trade Union Federation SNESUP-FSU (France); Philippe Blondin, President of the Jewish Museum of Belgium (Belgium); Alexander Wieser, Executive Secretary of the Austrian Service Abroad (Austria); M. Wodjo Fini Traore, Vice-president of the National Commission of Human Rights in Ivory Coast – CNDHCI (Ivory Coast); Andrea Winklbauer and Marcus Patka, Curators at the Jewish Museum of Vienna (Austria); Stevan Nikolic, President of the Executive Board of Educational Centre of Roma (Serbia); Osman Balić, Director of YUROM Center (Serbia); Normunds Rudevics, President of International Romani Union (Czech Republic); Omar Anguita, Secretary General of Spanish Socialist Youth – JSE (Spain); Kumar Vishwanathan, Founder of Life Together (Czech Republic); Marius Deaconu, Head of the Department for Public Policies of Romanian Youth Council (Romania); Enrico Gulluni, President of President of the Union of University Students – UDU (Italy); Ronja Hesse, Marcus Lamprecht, Isabel Schön and Kevin Kunze, Presidency of the National Union of Student of Germany (Germany); James Smith, CEO of Aegis Trust and Co-founder and President of the National Holocaust Centre and Museum (UK); Jožek Horvat Muc, President of European Roma Union (Slovenia); Aline Le Bail-Kremer, Journalist (France) ; Rahmatullah Hamraz, Peace Activist (Afghanistan) ; Bonaventure Dzekem, Founder and Executive Director of Keafon Health (Cameroon) ; Edemawan Dorothy Ossai, Youth Advocate (Nigeria); Kimberly Marie Brown, Human Rights and Gender Equity Advocate (USA) ; Sebastian Andres Nicol Hernandez, Academic Researcher (Nicaragua) ; Balint Josa, Program Coordinator at United for Intercultural Action (Netherlands).

79 parliamentarians of 20 countries :

Lars Adaktusson, Deputy and MEP (Sweden); Christophe Arend, Deputy (France) ; David Assouline, Senator (France) ; Margrete Auken, MEP (Denmark); Petra Bayr, Deputy (Austria) ; Brando Benifei, MEP (Italy) ; Philippe Berta, Deputy (France) ; Annick Billon, Senator (France) ; Richard Boyd Barrett, Deputy (Ireland) ; Michel Brandt, Deputy (Germany) ; Tommy Broughan, Deputy (Ireland) ; Marie-George Buffet, Deputy (France) ; Carles Campuzano Canadés, Deputy (Spain) ;  Luc Carvounas, Deputy (France) ; André Chassaigne, Deputy (France) ; Alessandro Cattaneo, Deputy (Italy) ; Olivier Damaisin, Deputy (France) ; Petra De Sutter, Senator (Belgium) ; Nassimah Dindar, Senator (France) ; Frédérique Dumas, Deputy (France) ; Bedia Özgökçe Ertan, Deputy (Turkey) ; Tanja Fajon, MEP (Slovenia) ; Elisabeth Feichtinger, Deputy (Austria) ; Rémi Féraud, Senator (France) ; Laurent Garcia, Deputy (France) ; Ana Gomes, MEP (Portugal) ; Theresa Griffin, MEP (UK); Wanda Guimarães, Deputy (Portugal) ; Meyer Habib, Deputy (France) ; Brahim Hammouche, Deputy (France) ; Heike Hänsel, Deputy (Germany) ; Heidi Hautala, MEP (Finland) ; Necdet İpekyüz, Deputy (Turkey) ; Victoire Jasmin, Senator (France) ; Gino Kenny, Deputy (Irlande) ; Stéphanie Kerbarh, Deputy (France) ; Claude Kern, Senator (France) ; Aina Kuric, Deputy (France) ; Patrick Le Hyaric, MEP (France) ; Joël Labbé, Senator (France) ; Jean-Christophe Lagarde, Deputy (France) ; Francois-Michel Lambert, Deputy (France) ; Olivier Léonhardt, Senator (France) ; Tomas Martinek, Deputy (Czech Republic) ; Lisa Mazzone, Deputy (Switzerland) ; Finian McGrath, Deputy (Ireland) ; Alain Milon, Senator (France) ; Šemsudin Mehmedović, Deputy (Bosnia-Herzegovina) ; Jean-Michel Mis, Deputy (France) ; Andrew Mitchell, Deputy (UK) ; Nada Mladina, Deputy (Bosnia- Herzegovina) ; Fabian Molina, Deputy (Switzerland) ; Cristóvão Norte, Deputy (Portugal) ; Bertrand Pancher, Deputy (France); Maud Petit, Deputy (France) ; Christine Prunaud, Senator (France) ; Cathy Racon-Bouzon, Deputy (France) ; Michèle  Rivasi, MEP (France) ; Fabien Roussel, Deputy (France) ; Ulla Sandbæk, Deputy (Denmark) ; Stefan Schennach, Senator (Austria) ; Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus, Deputy (Poland) ; Helmut Scholz, MEP (Germany) ; Gabriel Serville, Deputy (France) ; Jim Shannon, Deputy (UK) ; Brid Smith, Deputy (Ireland) ; Alex Sobel, Deputy (UK) ; Bart Staes,  MEP (Belgium) ; Eric Straumann, Deputy (France) ; Paula Teixeira da Cruz, Deputy (Portugal) ; Marianne Thieme, Deputy (Netherlands) ;  Jean-Louis Touraine, Deputy (France) ; Ernest Urtasun, MEP (Spain) ; Julie Ward, MEP (UK) ; Catherine West, Deputy (UK) ;  Sammy Wilson, Deputy (UK) ; Jordi Xuclà I Costa, Deputy (Spain) ; Gabriele Zimmer, MEP (Germany) ; Emanuelis Zingeris, Deputy (Lithuania).

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