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Thomas Schrapel: ‘Armenian foreign policy is not under the principle of ‘either… or’ but ‘both’’

March 27,2019 21:05

“Armenia has been broadening and deepening its relations with the European Union,” said the head of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Regional Program Political Dialogue South Caucasus, Thomas Schrapel, during the “Armenia on the Road to Europe” event. The event was held in honor of the tenth anniversary of the organization’s foundation. According to him, Armenia has a very sensible foreign policy, and despite being a member of the Eurasian Economic Union, Armenia is able to develop its relations with the European Union. “Some people see discrepancies here, but not us. We believe that this means Armenia leads by the ‘both’ principle, not the ‘either-or’ one.”

Thomas Schrapel also said, “The number of people who have taken on the responsibility of deepening Armenia’s relations with the EU has increased since 2017. We can say that this desire is institutionalized, and the appropriate agreements are in place to ensure that events about Armenia-EU relations will take place more often.”

Lusine Budaghyan

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