80 participants from 22 countries discussed the role of diasporas in the development of civil society, and in particular the mechanisms to ensure the better involvement of diasporas and civil society in decision-making processes, as well as the engagement of diasporas associations in strengthening civil society.
The conference “The role of diasporas in the development of the civil society” organised by the Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies on the invitation of the Polish Parliament took place in Warsaw on 22 March 2019.
The participants of the conference agreed to the necessity to develop a strategic partnerships between states, civil society, the private sector and international organisations to create a framework for diaspora engagement to facilitate the transfer of resources and knowledge sharing.
The names of three diaspora organisations which were selected by the Pre-selection Committee as the nominees for the European Diaspora Prize were announced during the conference. The Platform of women of the Congolese diaspora of Belgium, the British Abroad and the Ukrainian society in Switzerland will compete for the title of the winner of the Prize at the next annual forum of the Network.
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