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Heritage Party convened its 12th National Congress

April 01,2019 17:11

The Heritage Party convened its 12th National Congress at the Yerevan State Chamber Theater. 112 delegates from across the Republic voted to confirm the agenda, the Secretariat, and the Election Commission.

After watching the welcome speech of the President of the European People’s Party, Joseph Daul, a short video about the party’s activity was presented, which was a kind of an accounting from the Heritage Party for the recent period.

The keynote speech of the Congress was delivered by Raffi Hovannisian, founder and council president of the Party, highlighting the changes following from the new realities in Armenia, the opportunities of political, civil, inter-party and organizational activities, as well as the dangers and challenges facing our young statehood.

A comprehensive report on the work done by the executives in the period since the previous convention, was presented by Vice President Susanna Muradyan. Then the Congress heard and approved the reports of the Chairmen of the Statutory and Audit Commissions, which were taken into account.

The issues regarding the already implementated and future projects of the Heritage Party, as well as the need to call to life New Armenia’s resolution adopted in 2012, issues related to the adoption of new principles and tactics in contemporary Armenian conditions were discussed.

Hovsep Khurshudyan and Andranik Grigoryan presented amendments to the Heritage Program and Charter to the Congress, which, according to the reporters, are conditioned by the socio-political and legal changes taking place in the internal political and foreign political agendas (EPP membership, transition to parliamentary form of government, etc.). The Party Congress approved the package of proposed program and statutory changes.

The elections of the new members of the Board, as well as the members of the statutory and audit commissions, were held within the framework of the Congress.

The Resolution of the 12th Congress of the Heritage Party was unanimously adopted, according to which while a democratic revolution in the form, content and procedure took place in the Republic of Armenia, consolidation of the legal-political package leading to real democracy has not yet been achieved.

Moreover, potential danger of the materialization of the super-party power emanating from the past was emphasized, and it was decided to continue work in the name of a truly free, independent, just and civilized Armenia.

The newly-elected Board comprises economists Gagik Margaryan, Rshtun Martirosyan, Tatevik Gamaghelyan, Stepan Vardanyan and Nubar Hakobyan, pedagogues Andranik Grigoryan, Marianna Voskanyan, Hayk Gasparyan, Mary Matevosyan and Areg Mkrtchyan, philologist Narine Dilbaryan, architect Ashot Sazhumyan, pediatrician Hasmik Avetisyan, journalist Vanik Alexanyan and engineer Armenak Stepanyan.

Professor Rafik Hakobyan, philologist Narine Dilbaryan and representative of the youth wing of the party Armenak Stepanyan made concluding speeches. The speakers touched upon the main tasks and all the possible systems of preservation, development and improvement of the Heritage Party.

Meeting later in executive session, the board elected Andranik Grigoryan as its chairman, selecting Narine Dilbaryan to serve as vice chairman in charge of public policy, and Vanik Alexanyan as board secretary.

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