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The Vardanyan Family donated AMD 400 Million to the construction of Stepanakert Mother Cathedral

April 03,2019 11:43

The official ceremony of consecration and opening of the conciliar Church of the Intercession (also known as Astvatcamor Surb Hovani Mayr Tachar) will take place on April 7 in Stepanakert. The idea of having a cathedral in the capital of Artsakh belongs to the Primate of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church Archibshop Pargev Martirosyan. To implement the idea he applied to different patrons. Well-known philanthropist blessed Hrant Vardanyan was the first who responded. He was the one who made the first substantial donation. Hrant Vardanyan’s sons – Michael and Karen Vardanyans continued funding the construction of the church. The Vardanyan family has donated AMD 400 million in total to the construction of the Cathedral in Stepanakert. Details are in the video.

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