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“Galaxy” Group of Companies and Teach For Armenia educational foundation announce the launching of joint project

June 14,2019 19:27

“Innovation is our strategy while continuing learning is the key to the success of our company. In the pursuit of synthesizing these two values, we are launching a joint project with Teach For Armenia today, which will assure that teachers in public school of Armenia have equal opportunity to improve their skills and experience through continuous learning. Institutional innovation is a core value for this project too, and the project will assure that remote regions are also integrated into the project.

Within the project scope, professionals of the Galaxy Group of Companies will share their skills and expertise with teachers and students via case studies from our projects. The project will also include working group discussions, workshops, and talks with professionals in related fields”, the co-founder of “Galaxy” Group of Companies and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of “Ucom” Gourgen Khachatryan said.

He also underscored his appreciation of the highly meaningful mission of Teach For Armenia to ensure equity in the access and quality of education in Armenia. We notice that this is the second official cooperation project of “Galaxy” Group of Companies with Teach For Armenia, the first being the project of integrating digitalization and technological education in the schools of Armenia with “Ucom”, a company representing the Group.

“Teach For Armenia takes quality education to the schools of most distant communities of Armenia and Artsakh, driven by the belief that every child has an enormous potential to be unlocked through such education. Yet we also acknowledge how much more productively we can be by keeping up with the times and incorporating technologies and innovation in education. We are very encouraged to see the concern that the private sector has for improving the quality of education and the eagerness to make it real in cooperation with us. I am full of hope that this cooperation will drive us to results at a much faster pace”, Larisa Hovannisian, the Founder and CEO of Teach For Armenia educational foundation said.

It is worth to mention that the launching of the joint project of “Galaxy” Group of Companies with Teach For Armenia and the first strategic discussion of the working groups were facilitated by high-school students from the regions of Armenia. As representatives of the interests of all stakeholders in the domain of education, they ensured multidimensional exposure of perspectives during the discussions with experts. The first materials of the joint project resulting from the cooperation will be presented at the beginning of 2019-2020 program year and all relevant materials will have public access for the accountability and transparency of the project.

Teach for Armenia is a social impact organization founded in 2013 with the purpose of transforming Armenia’s public education system so that it is equitable and accessible for all children in Armenia. Teach For Armenia recruits exceptional graduates from Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora to train them as Teacher-Leaders and places them in underprivileged schools and communities as Teach For Armenia Program Fellows. After the two-year commitment to teach their students, the Teacher-Leaders join Teach For Armenia’s Movement of Ambassadors of Educational Equity.

For more information, visit

Founded in Armenia in 1999, “Galaxy” Group of Companies has established and sustained over 15 companies in Armenia, Georgia and Belarus throughout the 20 years of its history. The success behind all companies has been in enhancing innovation, continuous education and development. The number of “Galaxy” Group of Companies currently goes beyond 3000 and the social responsibility projects in the fields of education, innovation and social enhancement comprise 5% of the operational activity of the company.


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