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‘We are quickly approaching a situation where it is likely that we will have another revolution’: Levon Zurabyan

July 07,2019 13:45

The Armenian Sovereign Union organized a conference titled “A Constitution for a Sovereign Armenia,” where the Vice President of the Armenian National Congress, Levon Zurabyan, held a speech. 

He said that the constitution establishes rules for everyone and he made a comparison. “The US Constitution has been changed many times, but those changes did not have to do with the model of government. The functions of the president or Congress did not increase or decrease. They have accepted one constitutional model of government and have remained loyal to it because it prevents political forces from dominating and because it creates a democratic tradition that is passed down through political forces. The different generations consider that to be something sacred that is impossible to violate.”

According to Zurabyan, “Our nation accepted the model for a presidential government in 1995 that was much like that of the French Republic. Robert Kocharyan made reforms in 2005 that intended to decrease the powers of the president and increase the powers of the parliament so that he could become the Prime Minister. We all know that he wasn’t successful. Serzh Sargsyan used a more radical approach; he simply wanted to reproduce authority.”

Levon Zurabyan expressed an opinion that was criticized by the Armenian Revolutionary Federation. “We need to return to the 1995 model of government. We will express our loyalty to the model that was accepted in the beginning. This model is not suitable for our people; it brings forth challenges. We are quickly approaching a situation where it is likely that we will have another revolution. Having a semi-presidential model creates a double-layered government, which takes into consideration social dissatisfaction and which also upholds stability.”

Hripsime Jebejyan

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