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Manvel Grigoryan to remain in detainment: Judge Mnatsakan Martirosyan’s decision

August 21,2019 14:15

Former President of the Yekrapah Volunteers’ Union and former Republican deputy Manvel Grigoryan’s lawyers presented their mediation to change Grigoryan’s deterrence method from detainment to release on bail.

One of his lawyers, Levon Baghdasaryan, noted that Grigoryan’s health is getting worse and detainment is preventing him from getting the proper medical treatment.

Prosecutor Hayk Petrosyan argued against this mediation, stating that the court still has a basis for believing that the accused will affect the case’s investigation if he is released. Judge Mnatsakan Martirosyan decided to reject this mediation, which means that Manvel Grigoryan will remain in detainment.

This is the fourth court session during which Manvel Grigoryan was not present. He was at the medical center and was not in a good condition to participate.

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