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PM: “Legislation provides Eduard Martirosyan and Arman Sargsyan the opportunity to exercise the powers of NSS Director and Chief of Police”

September 21,2019 10:45

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan introduced Interim Chief of Police Arman Sargsyan to the senior staff of the Police.

“Indeed, all of you know Mr. Sargsyan very well, and I want to emphasize that he has spent all his professional activity in the police system, which is an important circumstance. I also want to note that one of the priorities of our government is to solve the problems of institutional development in Armenia, and the police as an institution are very important.

Of course, the Police Force is a well-established structure in the Republic of Armenia, but we have set ourselves the task of setting more ambitious tasks, setting higher goals, and I hope that we believe in our common potential to achieve the proposed targets. I hope that the police system has this high self-esteem in connection with the potential,” the Premier said.

The Prime Minister noted that the past year was not an easy one as it was full of challenges. He thanked the police for the work done during this period.

“One of the most important issues on our agenda is the reform of the police system, and in this context the technical equipment of the police is very important, but perhaps the most important is changing the content so that we can make the police content modern, corresponding to the requirements of the 21st century and New Armenia. Mr. Sargsyan, I hope you will cope with these tasks.

“I want to state the following: both Interim Director of NSS Eduard Martirosyan and Interim Chief of Police Arman Sargsyan have the legislative opportunity to exercise their powers, and I hope that they will work accordingly. Our agreement is that we will work in this status for some time, and I hope that the results of this period will be mutually satisfactory.

I want to be absolutely transparent in this matter to prevent any misinterpretations in connection with their status. Should we state that the results are satisfactory, this status will get a logical continuation, but, I repeat, we must state that the mutual results should be satisfactory,” the Head of Government said.

Arman Sargsyan thanked the Prime Minister for his confidence and added that in the past almost a year and a half, during a difficult period, all police officers have felt the care of Prime Minister Pashinyan.

“I also want to emphasize and promise that I will do my best to meet your expectations. Let me quote one thing: my colleagues remember when I was appointed First Deputy Chief of Police, I said that my kind was given an exceptional opportunity to partake in the building of a better future for my children, for all children, and I will do everything to achieve this goals. I have no doubt in the capabilities of our team, because we have a healthy core in the police, and they will support me and help me. We will try to build on the current achievements, so that our children could live in a country that meets the requirements of the Constitution. Thank you,”Arman Sargsyan concluded.


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