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Armenia relies on principles of sovereignty, pan-Armenianism and mutual partnership. MFA

September 21,2019 20:36

ARMENPRESS. The Armenian people won their national liberation struggle, announced the restoration of Armenia’s independent statehood to the whole world, and today Armenia is a key member of the international community, running a balanced policy aimed at strengthening the stability in the region, the Armenian Foreign Ministry said in the message addressed on Independence Day.

“The aspiration to have an independent statehood has been the greatest goal of different generations of the Armenian people for centuries. Our ancestors with their centuries-old fight have always kept bright the noble ideas of living free and independently in our collective self-consciousness. Based on the best combination of the national and universal values, demonstrating an unbreakable will and acting as a really united force, the Armenian people won their national liberation struggle and declared about the restoration of Armenia’s independent statehood”, the message says.

“Armenia relies on the principles of sovereignty, pan-Armenianism and mutual partnership. We understand that every day and hour we should do the utmost to create a favorable foreign political environment for the security and development of Armenia and Artsakh.

Last year as well we recorded a victory of an important historical significance, this time in our fight for democracy and rule of law. In this fight as well the Armenian people were relying on the ideas of unity and seeking freedom. Today we already should gain the maximum from the opportunities to raise Armenia’s international reputation and our unprecedented domestic unity”, the message added.

Today, the Third Republic of Armenia is celebrating its 28th anniversary of Independence.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

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