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Nikol Pashinyan meets with Synopsys executives to discuss cooperation prospects

September 25,2019 11:02

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan continues his working visit to the United States.

The Head of Government first called at the Synopsys headquarters, where he was hosted by company Co-President Chi-Foon Chan. Synopsys has a branch in Armenia – Synopsys Armenia, which operates since 2004 with over 700 employees.

Chi-Foon Chan welcomed the Premier’s visit to the Company, noting that they highly valued the ongoing cooperation with Armenia. He introduced the Company’s activities, projects, stating that Synopsys has 120 offices in different countries of the world, with the total number of employees standing at nearly 13.000. He pointed out that Synopsys is constantly broadening its global networks and is set to expand its operations in Armenia.

In attendance of the meeting, Synopsys Armenia President Yervand Zoryan said Synopsys Armenia is among the steadily developing and effective branches of the Company in both curricula and personnel terms, and plans to increase the number of its employees by 100 annually.

Thankful for the opportunity to meet them, Nikol Pashinyan stated that Synopsys is a valuable partner for Armenia. “The Armenian government has declared the technology sector a priority and, therefore, we prioritize our cooperation with Synopsys. We are interested in attracting investments in the field of high technologies, creating jobs, training specialists, and stand ready to promote this process with the government’s toolkit,” the Premier said.

Prime Minister Pashinyan introduced his government’s programs and initiatives intended for the IT sector in a bid to create a favorable ecosystem for technological startups and investments. The sides reaffirmed their readiness to develop cooperation and exchanged views on future joint action. The Synopsys Co-President advised that this year Synopsys Armenia is celebrating the 15th anniversary of foundation and invited the Prime Minister to attend the event, due this November.
Thereafter, the Armenian Prime Minister met with the ethnic Armenian representatives of several high technological companies operating in Silicon Valley. The meeting was attended by executives from both academic and industrial sectors.

Nikol Pashinyan said the meeting was a good opportunity to jointly discuss cooperation opportunities. He stressed that the technological sector is among his government’s priorities with the goal to make Armenia an intellectual country. A number of concrete steps have been taken in this direction, including the Tax Code reform, covering IT companies, improvement of legislation on technology startups. In addition, the current dynamics of growth and economic indicators provide good prerequisites for the development of the IT industry.

Welcoming Prime Minister Pashinyan’s visit to Silicon Valley, the Silicon Valley-based Armenian specialists assured of their interest to invest in Armenia’s technology sector. According to them, the information presented by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia was important and useful.


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