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EU-supported Business Centre in Sevan enters into full operation

September 26,2019 13:03

EU NEIGHBOURS. As of August this year, the new Business Centre for Innovations, created in the framework of pioneer project “EU for Sevan: SME platform for Business Development and Innovation”, is fully operational. The creation of the Centre was implemented under EU’s Mayors for Economic Growth (M4EG) initiative.

The Centre provides modern equipment and co-working spaces. It also offers business support services for aspiring entrepreneurs, such as professional development workshops, conferences, networking and coaching events for targeted groups, prominent business, government and academic speakers’ lecturing events, and individual and group consultations.

Around 45 entrepreneurs have already benefitted from the Centre’s services for business plan development.

Although relatively new, the Centre has already successfully filled in a key niche area in the local entrepreneurship ecosystem, providing a platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing. It invites experienced experts from different fields to arrange workshops and to share their thoughts on how to improve the building blocks of the local economy.

Mayors for Economic Growth is an initiative of the European Union, established in 2017 to support mayors and municipalities of the Eastern partner countries to become active facilitators for economic growth and job creation at local level.

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