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‘They are keeping Kocharyan in custody, but there are no facts surrounding the killings’: Raffi Hovhannisian

September 30,2019 23:30

“Everyone needs to be interrogated and held responsible. I am referring to those who were involved in the events of March 1st and 2nd and those who were in hiding, those who were out in the streets and those who were under house arrest. I am also referring to the authorities, those under investigation, and those who used weapons,” head of the Heritage political party Raffi Hovhannisian told reporters during a meeting at the Media Center.

Regarding the fact that second President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan, who is accused of overthrowing constitutional order, remains in custody, Hovhannisian noted, “They are keeping him in custody, but it seems that they do not have any facts surrounding the killing that would allow him to remain in custody.” Hovhannisian expressed hope that, if such facts do indeed exist, they will be presented during a court session. “I hope that they have the facts.”

Luiza Sukiasyan

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