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Open lesson in National Assembly

October 02,2019 17:04

On October 1, within the framework of the RA NA Open Lesson the pupils of Yerevan Special Educational Complex for Children with Hearing Disorders.

The guests went to the NA Museum, took a tour in the parliament building, got acquainted with the parliamentary everyday life and observed the work of the ongoing regular sitting.

The deputy of the RA NA My Step Faction Heriknaz Tigranyan met with them.

The meeting went on in Q & A session. Issues on having legislative settlements on gestures, on continuing the education in the higher educational institutions and the opportunities of being established in the labor market and having convenient atmosphere in Armenia were presented.

Touching upon the problems emerging in the execution of the right to education and labour of the persons with hearing problems, Heriknaz Tigranyan highlighted the study of the international experience. “The items related to the education are controversial in terms of not having specialists on gestures in Armenia. In case of getting jobs the employers have a problem admitting the specialist with hearing disorders,” the MP said. According to her, part of the solutions of the existing issues is in the field of legislative regulations, and there will be recommendations to debate them in relevant Committees.

The participants of the Open Lesson have been taken photos in the NA Session Hall.


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