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Kocharyan taken to hospital for examination again

October 04,2019 14:55

ARMENPRESS. Days after undergoing a medical examination at a Yerevan hospital, former President Robert Kocharyan has been taken to the Izmirlyan Medical Center again on October 3, department of corrections spokesperson Nona Navikyan told ARMENPRESS.

Kocharyan is currently jailed on charges of Overthrowing Constitutional Order and bribery in the trial of the 2008-post election unrest, known as the March 1 case.

“He was transferred for an examination and was taken back to the Yerevan-Kentron Correctional Facility on the same day,” Navikyan said.

During the first hospital visit on September 30th authorities described it to be a “routine checkup”, but this time they declined to elaborate.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan


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