Following a debate on obstetrical and gynaecological violence, PACE has called on national parliaments to discuss the protection of patients’ rights in order to contribute to public debate and the lifting of taboos.
The fight against this form of violence – which has long been hidden and is often ignored – is not yet considered a priority, but practices can be encouraged which enable patients to be treated in a humane and respectful way, stressed the Assembly, which “fully supports the good practices identified by the WHO”.
Adopting a resolution based on a report by Maryvonne Blondin (France, SOC), PACE called on member States to implement laws requiring the informed consent of patients and guaranteeing their right to information, and to create specific reporting and complaint mechanisms by providing for sanctions.
Finally, the parliamentarians advocated appropriate funding for healthcare facilities so as to ensure decent working conditions for care providers, respectful and caring treatment of patients and access to pain relief.
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