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‘People in Los Angeles are thinking about returning to Armenia, I am hopeful for Armenia’s future’: Serj Tankian

October 09,2019 19:18

Rock musician Serj Tankian participating in a discussion at the WCIT, after which he held a press conference.

Tankian said that he follows the events taking place in Armenia every day because it is very important to him. “I thought that what happened one year ago was very interesting, and now I am continuing to see developments taking place in Armenia. I see that there is economic growth and growth in the job market, and I have the impression that all data is improving. It’s wonderful. It’s been a long time since something like this happened in Armenia. Not all countries are able to carry out such large changes and I am happy that you took your lives into your own hands and made these changes. I’m not the only one who thinks that way. When I speak with Diaspora representatives in Los Angeles, they say that people are reading the news. People are still excited one year later and they are thinking about returning to Armenia. Many people came back, which had an impact on tourism data. I am very hopeful for Armenia’s future.”

He said that he started a coffee company in Armenia. He is thinking about expanding in other countries, and he has already started to sell in the USA. “People like me are trying to represent Armenia in foreign countries. People form opinions on different countries through culture and food, not through politicians.”

Regarding Amulsar, Tankian said that the operation of mines should not pose a danger to future generations. He said that he has had some discussions with environmentalist groups in Armenia, but the problem has been politicized. “I support the environmentalists, but I don’t like that the problem has been politicized. I noticed that people who have never been concerned with environmentalism before have now become active.” When asked about if force will be used against the people fighting against the operation of the Amulsar mine, Serj Tankian said that he does not want to talk about any ifs.

Hripsime Jebejyan

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