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Armenia: Key digital issues were in focus at World Congress in Information Technology in Yerevan

October 17,2019 10:30

EU NEIGHBOURS. On 7-9 October, the Armenian capital Yerevan hosted the World Congress in Information Technology (WCIT).

The event features over 60 speakers and 2000 guests. One of the panel discussions was dedicated to healthcare and cybersecurity where recent developments related to the EU’s EU4Digital two pillars on ‘eHealth’ and ‘Trust and Security’ were discussed.

The panel explored which intelligence, information technology and cyber warfare capabilities are needed in the age of sophisticated tactical and strategic disinformation that operates not just in the military space but increasingly in political, economic and social spaces.

The ‘EU4Digital: supporting digital economy and society in the Eastern Partnership programme will run from 2019 until 2021, covering all six countries of the Eastern Neighbourhood (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine). It has a total budget of EUR 11 million.

Through the programme, the EU supports Eastern Partnership countries by reducing roaming tariffs, developing high-speed broadband to boost economies and expand e-services, harmonising digital frameworks across society in areas ranging from logistics to health, building cyber security and finally, developing digital skills.

Photo: European Union

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