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Ruben Rubinyan receives Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Romania to RA

October 18,2019 19:10

On October 18, the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Romania to the RA Cornel Ionescu.

Ruben Rubinyan highly assessed the development dynamics of bilateral relations between Armenia and Romania.

During the meeting the interlocutors discussed issues on strengthening the inter-parliamentary relations. They particularly touched upon the activation of cooperation of the Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Groups, as well as the closer cooperation between the parliamentary delegations in the issues of common interest on the international platforms.

With regards to the international recognition process of the 1915 Armenian Genocide Ruben Rubinyan has noted that Armenia expects recognition by Romania, observing the condemnation of genocides as an important means for prevention and reconciliation.

At the meeting the interlocutors have also highlighted the role of the Armenian community of Romania which continues to have active public role in strengthening of bilateral relations and the preservation of the Armenian identity in Romania.

In this context Ruben Rubinyan also emphasized and highly evaluated the adoption of the bill on Declaring October 12 Day of Armenian Language, Alphabet and Culture in Romania in the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies as an important step in reaching to a qualitative new phase the relations between the two countries.


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