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Armenia: new opportunities for future hotel managers with support from EU4Youth

October 21,2019 16:43

EU NEIGHBOURS. Since September 2019, students at the Sevan State Multifunctional College in Armenia have started learning Hotel Service Management with an improved, labour-market driven curriculum, developed with the support of EU4Youth.

The curriculum was updated by a leading expert in the hotel management field, in cooperation with the teaching staff of the college. To ensure effective implementation of the updated curriculum, the teaching staff of the college underwent an intensive 3-day capacity-building, during which they learned the basic principles and modern trends in hotel service management, combined with practical teaching techniques.

As one of the teachers at the college noted: “With support of the ‘EU4Youth: Better Skills for Better Future’ programme, we had the opportunity to cooperate with an expert from the Hotel Management sphere. We adjusted our curriculum based on modern labour market needs and came up with various new methods of providing more effective and practical education to our students.”

The college classroom was also provided with necessary equipment to support effective use of modern information technology and skills during the lessons.

Several other colleges teaching the qualification took part in capacity building training and benefited from learning new skills, exchanging ideas and experience.

The event was organized as part of the ‘EU4YArmenia: new opportunities for future hotel managers with support from EU4Youthouth: Better Skills for Better Future’ regional project (2018-2020), implemented with funding from the European Union in three countries: Armenia, Georgia, and Ukraine. In Armenia, the project is implemented by Save the Children International Armenian Representative Office in cooperation with OxYGen Foundation for Protection of Youth and Women Rights.

Photo: European Union

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