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‘Turkey accused Armenia of providing treatment to wounded Kurdish soldiers’: Turkish affairs expert

October 25,2019 19:30

“First, Turkey has launched several military operations in Syria. Turkey considers Syria’s Kurds to be terrorists, which it uses as justification for an invasion. Armenia needs to be very careful with the Kurdish issue in this situation,” Turkish affairs expert Hayk Gabrielyan told reporters during a discussion titled, “Changes in the Near East: Old Players and New Challenges” at the Institute of Oriental Studies. He was speaking about Armenia’s potential interests in the Turkish military invasion of Syria.

“They say that Kurdish soldiers are coming to Armenia. The Turkish Minister of the Interior even accused us of providing treatment to wounded Kurdish soldiers. Such accusations are dangerous and it is our duty to clarify all of this,” Hayk Gabrielyan said in reference to Turkish anti-Armenian propaganda.

The latest notable event that took place within the framework of the Syrian crisis was a meeting between Erdogan and Putin. The presidents of Russia and Turkey signed a mutual agreement.

Luiza Sukiasyan

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