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‘Naturally, Armenians live in Artsakh’: Minister of Foreign Affairs’ explanation on his controversial interview

October 28,2019 22:16

“This interview caused an internal political debate in democratic nations, and I am not just referring to Armenia. I am happy that Armenia is a country where people hold many different opinions, and where there is criticism as well as support,” Minister of Foreign Affairs Zohrab Mnatsakanyan told reporters during a briefing regarding criticism of his interview with BBC.

According to him, “Active discussions are welcomed and prove everything that we aim toward: diversity in opinions, democratic debates, and the strengthening of a healthy society. I understand what format this interview was held in, and I have expressed all positions that are in our best interests while taking into consideration that there would be dynamic dialogue during that interview. I am thankful for the different opinions and for the constructive criticism.”

Regarding criticism that he did not adequately respond to the presenter’s statement that “Armenians are not living on their territory in Artsakh,” Mnatsakanyan said, “The people of Artsakh’s right to self-determination and their security are at the basis of the Artsakh issue. We have stated this repeatedly. This is the entire essence of the conflict. It is clear for all of us that the Artsakh issue is not simply a territorial conflict, but instead one of security and human rights. Naturally, Armenians live in Artsakh. We have been and will always be the guarantor of Artsakh’s security.”

Luiza Sukiasyan

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