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Nikol Pashinyan: ‘Money coming from the fight against corruption will be used toward defense expenses’

October 29,2019 12:10

During the presentation of the 2020 budget plan in parliament, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan noted that people are constantly asking about a decrease in defense expenditure. He said that the opposite is true because the government planned for a 25.3 percent increase in the defense budget. “It is important to note that we have had changes in military spending, which will be done using a different type of logic. As a result of changes that have taken place recently in the volume of our fight against corruption, all money will be directed toward increasing the level of Armenia’s defense,” Pashinyan said.

He also noted that a growth in economic activity is also expected due to changes in the Tax Code. “Approximately 200,000 citizens will see an increase in their salaries due to changes in the Tax Code.” Pashinyan also said that benefits will also increase by 10 percent, including child benefits. He said that the salaries of law enforcement workers, firefighters, forest rangers, and others will increase by an average of 10 percent.

Pashinyan also said that major investments are being made in Armenia. But the most important factor is that capital expenditure is taking place at the volume that the government had expected.

“As the Prime Minister, I am more optimistic and hopeful about the development of the Armenian economy and Armenia’s future. The Armenian economy has generated a lot of activity. We must do everything now to make sure that it remains this way so we can reach the levels that would allow socio-economic changes to take place in a faster and more productive way so that it will be noticeable for citizens,” Nikol Pashinyan said.

Nelly Grigoryan

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