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‘Threemillion  ‘Prime Ministers’ gave Nikol Pashinyan the right to make decisions’: Governor of Aragatsotn

October 29,2019 19:30

“I can confirm that secret decisions are not meant to be published. I do not wish to take on the responsibility of speaking about this from a legal perspective and uncover any important information,” Governor of the Aragatsotn Province Davit Gevorgyan told journalists in parliament. Journalists wanted to know about the Prime Minister’s secret order to increase the salaries of government workers and governors.

According to the governor of Aragatsotn, there are specific fees outlined for workers of all levels in the state system, as well as bonuses. The governor was only prepared to speak about information that did not contain any secrets. Davit Gevorgyan refused to disclose his own salary because he felt that this is private information.

When asked if he thinks it is normal for the leader of the country to secretly raise the salaries of ministers, deputy ministers, and governors, the governor said, “I consider any decision made by the Prime Minister to not only be normal, but correct. Three million ‘Prime Ministers’ made their decision and gave us their vote of trust, which gave us the authority to make decisions. It would be immoral for me or anyone else on our team to consider the decisions made by the Prime Minister to be incorrect.”

The governor thought that a journalist’s question about whether or not he considers himself worthy to receive a salary of 800,000 AMD to be inappropriate. “If I were unworthy and if I were bad at what I do, I would not be in this position. If the Prime Minister of Armenia trusted me and continues to trust me with governing the Aragatsotn Province, then I believe that I am worthy.”

Regarding the fact that many workers in the governor’s building complain that they have low salaries, Davit Gevorgyan said that he is also not pleased with the fact that they receive low salaries. According to him, even people working in the lowest levels of government need to receive high salaries in order to have a productive state system.

Nelly Grigoryan

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