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‘America’s recognition of the Armenian Genocide cannot simply remain on paper’: Tatevik Hayrapetyan

October 30,2019 20:32

Aravot Daily asked member of the National Assembly Foreign Relations Committee and My Step deputy Tatevik Hayrapetyan about the political and legal consequences that the passing of H.Res.296 in the US House of Representatives to recognize the Armenian Genocide will have. “The resolution contains a call to action and consistency. Overall, it is an important step in condemning the genocide. As far as potential consequences, when the US recognizes the Armenian Genocide, it cannot simply remain on paper from the perspective of international relations and Turkey. This is one of the important steps for international recognition.”

Hayrapetyan considers this to be a truly historic decision, which is the result of many people’s efforts that took many years. She believes that the passage has an important meaning for Armenian-American relations, as well as for international recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

The House of Representatives passed the resolution. The deputy was asked about what kind of response she thinks there will be in the Senate. “I believe that this resolution will continue and future actions will lead to the recognition of this important work.”

Tatevik Hayrapetyan said, “Overall, it is very difficult to fight for justice and reparations in terms of international relations and world politics. Of course, people’s perspectives may be different, but I think that we need to present issues that are important to us at the right time and in the correct manner. We believe that the recognition of the Armenian Genocide is an important step in preventing future genocides. We cannot change the past, but through giving appropriate evaluations of the past, we can prevent such tragedies from taking place in the future.” She does not believe that Armenia has any ‘weak sides’ that can be lost due to the passing of this resolution.

Nelly Grigoryan

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