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Nikol Pashinyan: “The resolution passed by the U.S. House of Representatives will impart fresh impetus to Genocide recognition process”

October 31,2019 22:30

A Cabinet meeting was held today, chaired by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

Before proceeding to the agenda, the Prime Minister referred to the resolution on the Armenian Genocide adopted by the U.S. House of Representatives.

“I think that this will play an important role in the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide and will certainly add momentum to the process. In this regard, I would like to express my appreciation to the Armenian organizations operating in the Diaspora, especially in the United States of America, that have been working consistently for many decades to achieve the recognition of the Genocide in the United States and across the world. As a matter of fact, the decision matured many years ago, as the quasi-totality of U.S. states had already recognized the Armenian Genocide and it became the culmination of that process.

I would also like to thank the members of the Armenian Caucus in the House of Representatives and generally all those members of the House of Representatives who voted for the resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide,” the Premier said.

The Executive decided to dissolve a number of child care institutions and the Vanadzor orphanage. The proceeds from the liquidation of the aforementioned organizations will be used to expand the daycare network in the provinces and in the capital city, set up crisis support centers in Yerevan, Kapan and Gyumri, as well as to increase the number of foster families and so an.

With reference to the decision, the Head of Government noted that both the type of service and its content will change in this way. He stressed the importance of reforming the services provided to children in need of care, including the availability and the efficiency of such services.

The Government approved the proposal to sign a loan agreement between the Republic of Armenia and the Loan Recovery Bank, referred to as “Policy-based lending: environmental protection.” The arrangement provides for a € 40 million budget support loan to Armenia.

The meeting next approved the proposal to sign a loan agreement between the Republic of Armenia and the Asian Development Bank for the second program on public efficiency and financial markets. The agreement provides for a budget support loan of 36,506,000 euros to Armenia. The program seeks to ensure fiscal stability and develop the financial markets by building public debt and fiscal risks management capacity, improve the liquidity of the money market and the transparency of financial markets, as well as to develop corporate debt and equity markets.

According to the reference note, the funds will be used to finance the deficit specified in the 2019 State Budget Law of the Republic of Armenia, given the fact that the timely receipt of loans is important for the exercise of expenditures under the State budget-defined categories.

By government decision, Ararat Grigoryan was appointed Governor of Vayots Dzor Marz of Armenia.


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