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Discussion over draft law on television and radio

November 06,2019 15:20

On November 5, the Chair of the Sub-Committee on the RA NA Television, Radio, Press and Information of the RA NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport, the deputy of the RA NA My Step Faction Vahagn Tevosyan met with the representatives of the Overground Broadcasters’ Association.

The Sub-Committee led by Vahagn Tevosyan is engaged with the revision of the draft law on Television and Radio.

During the meeting-discussion it has been noted that the law in force is obsolete and does not promote the development of the sphere.

The participants talked about the problems existing in the sphere and presented their proposals for its solution.

Vahagn Tevosyan expressed conviction that the similar professional discussions would promote to have a law meeting qualified, modern demands.


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