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Member States should review their regulatory frameworks for digital platforms

November 29,2019 20:25

PACE today expressed its concern at the digital platforms phenomenon which has grown on the margins of regulations applicable to the mainstream economy, and whose actors are accused of infringing consumer rights, workers’ social rights and taxation at national and European level. “The ‘platformisation” of work contributes to the spread of increasingly precarious forms of non-standard work”, the parliamentarians said, adopting a resolution, based on the report by Luís Leite Ramos (Portugal, EPP/CD).

In order to meet the challenges of the platform economy, PACE recommended that member States review national legislation applicable to digital platforms and implement additional regulation where necessary, to preserve fair competition, to improve platform workers’ social protection and to strengthen safeguards against exploitation.

The parliamentarians also stressed the need to clarify the employment status of platform workers and to address the cross-border issues arising from multinational platforms, particularly as regards taxation and consumer protection.


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