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The EU supports local authorities in implementing sustainable energy policies, improving the security of energy supply

December 01,2019 12:30

The EU Ambassador Andrea Wiktorin participated in the closing ceremony of the EU-funded “Access to Renewable and Efficient Energy in Municipalities Vayk and Spitak” project, implemented by Habitat Armenia in partnership with Spitak and Vayk municipalities. In her welcoming remarks, the Ambassador highlighted that Energy Efficiency is one of the priority areas of the European Union’s support in Armenia.

The EU supports local authorities in implementing sustainable energy policies, improving the security of energy supply, and facilitates their contribution to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Within the project thermal refurbishment of a total of 45 residential buildings were carried out. 1,160 persons in Spitak and 2,640 persons in Vayk benefited from the project.

European Union in Armenia


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