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World Bank supports EIF in launching a mobile application against gender-based violence

December 03,2019 16:05

YEREVAN, December 3, 2019 – Today, the Armenian Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF) announces the launch of a mobile application called Safe YOU, developed with the World Bank Group’s 2018 Development Marketplace for Innovation Award to address gender-based violence (GBV).

The Development Marketplace is a global competition for researchers and teams to find innovative solutions that can help individuals, communities, and nations stamp out gender-based violence.

Last year, which was the 4th annual award since the launch of the competition, eleven winners were selected out of more than 250 submissions from across the world. The Armenian EIF was the only winner from the Europe and Central Asia region.

The award was made to EIF for its initiative to develop mobile applications and digital technologies that can empower women with real-time expert support and information and can collect critical data needed to inform policy on a larger scale.

Its selection was also a sign of recognition that information technology/digital innovation and solutions to a variety of social and economic challenges are on the rise in Armenia.

Following receipt of the award, the EIF organized a 24-hour hackathon on December 15-16, 2018, inviting IT teams and GBV experts to share experiences and innovative ideas and join in the development and design of the proposed application.

The hackathon led to the formation of a team called “Geeks against GBV: Unlocking the potential of new change MAKERS and leveraging ICT solutions”, and the development of the“Safe YOU” mobile application.

Working with IT engineers and GBV experts, the EIF developed the application for both IOS and Android operating systems for mobile technologies.

The application provides of text messaging and audio recording functions, access to information and support and advisory services, and a forum (topical chat rooms) to serve as a safe space for discussions.

For “Safe YOU” mobile application related questions and enquiries, send your emails to EIF at: [email protected].

World Bank Yerevan Office  

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