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European Friends of Armenia celebrates its 10th anniversary

December 05,2019 11:45

On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, European Friends of Armenia (EuFoA) hosted a cocktail reception at its premises in Brussels to celebrate its founding and to welcome some new team members.

The event was attended by several friends and partners of EuFoA, representatives of the EU institutions, civil society, the media, and the diplomatic corps, including H.E. Mr Tatoul Markarian, Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Belgium and Head of the Armenian Mission to the European Union, who addressed the audience expressing appreciation for the work done by the European Friends of Armenia, and calling for further active involvement in the coming months and years, in the context and spirit of the evolving EU-Armenia relations.

Since 2009, EuFoA has successfully built bridges between Europe and Armenia, and raised awareness about Armenia in Europe, having already achieved a substantial number of accomplishments, including the most recent support provided to the parties in the negotiation process of the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA). CEPA provides the framework for stronger cooperation between Armenia and the European Union. Therefore, in line with its mission, EuFoA will keep fostering people-to-people contacts between Armenian and European decision-makers for CEPA ratification and implementation process, which will ensure the continuation of reforms undertaken in the past several years, especially in the areas such as rule of law, consolidation of judiciary, development of public and social institutions and good governance.

“At this important moment for Armenia, as relations with the European Union reach a new stage of development, we believe that the work of the European Friends of Armenia is more important than ever. We will keep building bridges for political and civil society actors from Armenia to communicate their perspective to the European institutions, as well as to raise awareness about Armenia in Europe”, said Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer William Lavender.

European Friends of Armenia 

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