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‘Mammadyarov is not a trustworthy source no matter what he says’: Giro Manoyan

December 16,2019 21:51

“The Lavrov Plan is not what many people think it is. Most likely, the mediators are trying to push for a new version of the Madrid Principles, but I do not think that Armenia and Azerbaijan are discussing that,” one of the leaders of the ARF Bureau and the leader of the Armenian Cause Office, Giro Manoyan, told journalists during a meeting at the Pastark press club in reference to a statement made by Azeri Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmar Mammadyarov that the Armenian side is holding discussions for the Lavrov Plan, which would include Artsakh as a part of Azerbaijan.

According to Manoyan, “Armenia is trying to come up with a new approach. It will be closer to the perspective of the OSCE than the document published by Azerbaijan. Mammadyarov is not a trustworthy source for me no matter what he says. What he says might be worrisome, but it is wrong to consider his statements as factual.”

Giro Manoyan repeated that it is not unlikely that the OSCE mediators are trying to push forth a new document to both sides, such as an option for mutual concessions, but the Armenian side announced that it is not participating in negotiations for any document.

Luiza Sukiasyan

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