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EU and Armenia take stock on Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement implementation

December 18,2019 17:49

EU NEIGHBOURS. Established under the EU-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA), the EU-Armenia Partnership Committee met for the second time in Brussels on 16 December to assess the implementation of the Agreement.

The EU expressed appreciation for the progress made by Armenia in implementing its reform agenda so far, notably with new judicial and anti-corruption strategies.

As a key reform partner for Armenia, the EU said it stands ready to provide further expertise and financial assistance to strengthen the government’s capacity to design and deliver reforms and approximate to EU standards. This can provide concrete benefits to the citizens of both the EU and Armenia.

The Partnership Committee looked at CEPA implementation in different fields: from rule of law and human rights, to transport, energy and environment. It provided guidance for a more detailed follow-up at expert level under the EU-Armenia Energy, Transport, Environment, Climate Action and Civil Protection Subcommittee, which will meet in Yerevan in March 2020.

In addition, the EU and Armenia agreed to launch regular expert consultations in March 2020, for more in-depth discussions of specific subjects in the field of climate action and environmental protection.

The EU and Armenia agreed to continue their policy dialogue on education reform. They will pursue collaboration in the area of research under Horizon 2020 and launch consultations on Horizon Europe.

Furthermore, the EU and Armenia will explore the possibilities of drafting a youth strategy and action plan. Finally, the Partnership Committee discussed issues related to economic development, security, the Eastern Partnership and regional affairs.

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