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EU on the opening of railway section of the Kerch Bridge in Crimea

December 24,2019 11:00

EU NEIGHBOURS. On 23 December, EU reacted to the opening of railway section of the Kerch Bridge, which now allows the railway traffic between the Crimean Peninsula and Russia.

“The Russian Federation has finalised the construction of the railway section of the Kerch Bridge and is opening railway traffic to the Crimean Peninsula without Ukraine’s consent,” said EU spokesperson. “This constitutes another violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity by Russia.”

“The railway link is yet another step towards a forced integration of the illegally-annexed peninsula with Russia and Crimea´s isolation from Ukraine of which it remains a part.”

The EU highlighted that the bridge limits the passage of vessels through the Kerch Strait to Ukrainian ports in the Azov Sea.

“The European Union expects Russia to ensure unhindered and free passage through the Kerch strait, in accordance with international law,” the EU statement added.

“The European Union reiterates its full support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders,” added the statement concluding that the EU “does not and will not recognise the illegal annexation of the Crimean peninsula by Russia”.

Photo: European Union

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