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“Yerevan 2800” wins 3rd place at Coin Constellation 2019 International Contest

January 24,2020 18:26

ԵՌԱԳՈՅՆ. The “Yerevan 2800” silver collector coin introduced by the Armenian Central Bank in 2018 has won the third place in the Coin of the Year category at the 13th International Contest “Coin Constellation-2019” in Russia.

220 coins by 33 participants representing 22 countries took part in the contest.

The jury determined the winners of the “Coin Constellation-2019”, as well as the coins that took second and third places in nine main categories:

– Unique concept,

– The best artistic solution,

– Original technology,

– The best circulation coin,

– Coin classic,

– Souvenir coin,

– Silver coin of the year,

– Gold coin of the year,

– Coin of the year.

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