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PACE reviews progress of States under monitoring in 2019

January 31,2020 00:32

In adopting a resolution today on the basis of a report by Sir Roger Gale (United Kingdom, EC/DA) – report which take stock of the PACE monitoring activities from January to December 2019 and makes assessments of the progress of the countries subject to a monitoring procedure or engaged in post-monitoring dialogue – the Assembly welcomed the positive developments and the progress made during this period or expressed concern about remaining shortcomings in a number of countries “that undermine their democratic consolidation”, as well as making specific recommendations to the countries concerned.

The adopted text recalls that there are ten countries under a full monitoring procedure (Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine), and three countries engaged in a post-monitoring dialogue (Bulgaria, Montenegro and North Macedonia).

In addition, the Assembly decided to amend the terms of reference of the Monitoring Committee and proposed that the committee prepare regular periodic reviews on all Council of Europe member States, that are not under a full monitoring procedure or engaged in a post-monitoring dialogue. The committee will decide on the order and frequency of these reports in accordance with its internal working methods, says the adopted text.

The Monitoring Committee will also have to appoint two rapporteurs from different countries and political groups for the preparation of the reports, and the authorities of the country concerned will be given a six-week period to provide their comments on the draft report.


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