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‘I believe that Azerbaijan made the political decision a long time ago that it will solve this issue militarily’: Tevan Poghosyan

January 31,2020 20:32

“I am happy when anything that involves Armenia and Armenian interests is discussed openly in our society and different opinions can be heard,” President of the International Center for Human Development, Tevan Poghosyan, said during a meeting with journalists.

“I believe that we need to have two approaches to the Artsakh conflict. First, we need to understand that the Republic of Artsakh is a mature political side, it is real, and it is not the candy or cookie in someone’s pocket that you can take a piece of. Artsakh is a real country and it is moving forward. I am more interested in having healthy dialogue and helping to make sure that the next elections can be democratic. This way, we can present Artsakh to the world and Artsakh will be able to have its developments. The next issue is also a problem. I believe that Azerbaijan made the political decision a long time ago that it will solve this issue militarily. And I believe that these negotiations are simply a veil for them to push their interests forward. And we need to realize that the only constraining forces and peacemakers in the region are the Defense Army of Artsakh and the Armed Forces of Armenia. This means that we need to carry out our internal work well and we need to change the reality on our own soil, regardless of any meetings or statements. One of the best examples of this was the move of the century when Israel was able to change reality to the point where the USA fully supports it today. There were also many negotiations, the Oslo Accords, and other similar documents. We also need to have an interesting approach. The challenges of the negotiations process are how we can use it for this time period to prepare and change reality for our best interests and for establishing our resources. The most important thing is to do this at the right time. Therefore, we need to do our work without prioritizing whether or not there will be a meeting. We need to start building a powerful economy and democratic institutions because that is important for our security, knowledge, military industry, and democracy so that we are able to solve problems,” Tevan Poghosyan said.

Ashot Hakobyan

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