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Azerbaijan. Widespread violations and significantly lower turnout observed during the early Parliamentary elections ­

February 11,2020 11:30

Election Monitoring and Democracy Studies Centre (EMDS) observed yesterday’s early Parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan and recorded violations on E-Day similar to those that have occurred in previous elections – multiple voting, bussing of voters, ballot-box stuffing, and voting without registration. These violations were widespread and appeared to be deliberate actions aimed at breaching the law.

The voter turnout recorded by observers was significantly lower than the official turnout figure reported by the Central Election Commission (CEC) throughout E-Day. Unlike previous national elections, the CEC did not provide precinct election commission level turnout information, only the turnout by district election commissions. This is a significant step backwards in the transparency of the election process and of key electoral information.

Observers also recorded cases of physical and verbal abuse against candidates and observers. Such illegal actions were committed by members of election commissions, local executive authorities and police towards observers protesting violations.

EMDS believes that violations recorded during all stages of the 9 February 2020 early Parliamentary elections made it impossible for the elections to be fair and free, violated the national legislation and international standards, and failed to reflect the free will of the people of Azerbaijan.

The full preliminary report on the early Parliamentary elections can be found here ­


European Platform for Democratic Elections

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