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Representatives of Leonid Azgaldyan School visit parliament

February 12,2020 13:39

On February 11, within the framework of the RA NA Open Doors programme the pupils and the teachers of Yerevan Leonid Azgaldyan N 200 Basic School visited the parliament. The deputy of the RA NA Bright Armenia Faction Gevorg Gorgisyan met with the guests and held an Open Lesson.

The MP presented his biographical data and the passed path, noting that his entering into politics had not been an end in itself. Gevorg Gorgisyan urged the pupils to study well. “The knowledge is the only thing that nobody can take away,” the MP noted. He answered to the questions voiced by the attendees, which mainly related to the educational sphere and reforms being designed.

The guests took a tour to the parliament building, observed the work of the NA regular sittings and were in the NA Museum.

On Book Presenting Day the pupils gave Narek as a present to the Parliament Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan, the Deputy Speakers, the Chairs of the Standing Committees and Gevorg Gorgisyan.


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