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‘Not everything needs to be blamed on moral subculture’: Edmon Marukyan on soldiers dying in the army

February 14,2020 20:05

The Bright Armenia faction in parliament is worried about the current situation in the army. “We began the year with meetings with representatives of our security system where we spoke about these issues. I want to mention that we will continue to keep this issue at the center of our attention and we will demand that the authorities initiate the appropriate steps. Not everything needs to be blamed on moral subculture. Consistent work needs to be carried out so that we can have as few of these cases as possible,” the head of the Bright Armenia faction, Edmon Marukyan, said during a briefing in parliament.

Over the past 48 days, since the beginning of 2020, 12 soldiers have died in the army. According to official statements, all but three of these soldiers died in unknown circumstances. The three soldiers died from being trapped in a blizzard.

By the way, Edmon Marukyan began his briefing by wishing everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day and said that people need to even love those who oppose them and not wait for those people to come to power to start loving them. “There is a lack of love in parliament. It seems to me like people have a need to be loved, which is why we need to be able to spread love,” he said.

Nelly Grigoryan

P.S. By the way, Edmon Marukyan was invited to the police station on February 13th. He testified about threats made against him. During the briefing in parliament, he said, “I gave the police the appropriate information and they recorded my testimony.”

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