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Daphne Caruana Galizia assassination: ‘the public inquiry set up by the government is making real progress’

February 17,2020 11:18

Pieter Omtzigt (the Netherlands, EPP/CD), rapporteur on Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination and the rule of law in Malta and beyond: ensuring that the whole truth emerges, today completed his two-day visit to Malta.

“I would like to thank the Maltese authorities for our frank, open and constructive discussions”, said Mr Omtzigt. “I am glad to see that the truly independent public inquiry into the circumstances surrounding Daphne’s murder, set up by the government, is making real progress. The relevant authorities must be ready to take immediate, strong action as soon as the inquiry issues its report. I also welcome the important developments in the criminal proceedings, although I note the widespread conviction that the full scope of the case has not yet been revealed. The investigation must vigorously pursue every lead, no matter how high up it goes.”

“I was more disappointed to see that there are still no results from the multiple inquiries into high-level corruption. Malta’s reputation will not be restored until all of these cases are fully resolved.”

“Where investigations have an international dimension, I urged the Maltese authorities to make full use of all possibilities for cooperation with foreign and international police agencies”, he added.

“I was also pleased to see a positive new attitude towards rule of law reforms. I encouraged the government to issue a detailed roadmap, to hold open, widely inclusive and transparent domestic consultations, and to request a formal Venice Commission opinion on the reform proposals”, he concluded. “These consultations will only increase the legitimacy and credibility of the reform process.”


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