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‘This is a state we are dealing with’: February 19th marks anniversary of officer Gurgen Margaryan’s death

February 19,2020 18:55

“Azeri heroes kill Armenians in their sleep, and that has not changed. This is our understanding of the reality that this is a state we are dealing with,” Orbeli analytical center expert and Azeri affairs expert Taron Hovhannisyan told journalists at the Blitz Info press club.

February 19th marks the anniversary of officer Gurgen Margaryan’s death. On February 19th, 2004, the 26-year-old Armenian officer was hacked to death with an axe in his sleep by Azeri officer Ramil Safarov in Hungary.

The Azeri affairs expert considers this sad story to be an example of the Azeri state and its adopted policies. According to the expert, this behavior on behalf of Azerbaijan existed before the officer’s murder and until today. Azerbaijan also showcased such behavior in April of 2016. The expert spoke about the decapitation of Defense Army Yezidi soldier Qyaram Sloyan. After Sloyan was decapitated, an Azeri junior officer took his head from village to village, parading it in delight.

According to Hovhannisyan, Ramil Safarov and the junior officer are now regarded as heroes in Azerbaijan. “This is a state that we are dealing with.”

In August of 2012, Safarov was extradited to Azerbaijan in order to serve out his sentence there, but Azerbaijan pardoned him.

Nelly Grigoryan

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