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Bako Sahakyan rated high the professionalism of major-general Jalal Haroutyunyan

February 26,2020 13:40

On 26 February President Bako Sahakyan visited the Artsakh Republic Defense Ministry.

The President introduced to the supreme command staff of the Defense Army defense minister, commander of the Defense Army, major- general Jalal Haroutyunyan appointed upon his decree.

Bako Sahakyan rated high the professionalism of major-general Jalal Haroutyunyan, noting his extensive experience in troop management and wishing him success in a performing his duties.

President Sahakyan thanked former defense minister, commander of the Defense Army Karen Abrahamyan for his service, highlighted his great contribution to the army-building process, wishing him success.

Chief of the General Staff of the Republic of Armenia Armed Forces Artak Davtyan and other officials were present at the event.


Central Information Department

of the Office of the Artsakh Republic President

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