The little pupils of “A+ skills” training center visited to the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Introduction of the rules of first medical aid and the activity of the rescuer to the children was the first purpose of the study visit.
The children at first visited to the Emergency Medical Aid Division of the Health Care Department of the Rescue Service. Anna Barseghyan, r/s Major, Senior Instructor gladly hosted the children. Anna Barseghyan introduced the experimental mannequins to the children and explained some rules of first medical aid. Senior Instructor asked questions to the children related with emergency situations, accidents and other cases. The children were quite active during the question and answer. Major Barseghyan explained to the children in which cases they need to call 911 and what they need to know at that time.
6 years old Christ proudly voiced his house address and said that he already knew when and where to call in emergency cases.
The next station of the children’s visit was the Psychological Assistance Division of the Health Care Department of the Rescue Service of MES and they were welcomed by the staff. The little pupils of “A+ skills” training center were in all rooms of the Psychological Assistance Division, then Arevik Yeritsyan, r/s Major presented them key points of the profession of psychologist and how they rendered psychological assistance to casualties at the scene.
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