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Five years after Boris Nemtsov’s murder, rapporteur renews call for case to be re-opened

February 28,2020 21:10

“It is now five years since Boris Nemtsov was assassinated in central Moscow. Mr Nemtsov was a Russian opposition politician and an advocate for democracy, who struggled tirelessly to uncover the truth,” said Emanuelis Zingeris (Lithuania, EPP/CD), rapporteur for the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on the case.

“As rapporteur, I examined the investigation into his murder undertaken by the Russian authorities. I concluded that the criminal case was flawed in several respects, that not all relevant aspects of the case had been examined, and that the full truth had not been revealed,” he said.

“The Russian authorities have not fulfilled commitments to the international community to fully investigate this political murder. They also refused to co-operate with PACE and the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly,” he pointed out.

“Though the actual circumstances surrounding Nemtsov’s death are kept shrouded in secrecy, one thing remains clear: it is essential that the investigation into his murder is re-opened in a transparent, impartial and thorough manner by the authorities, in order to administer justice. The authorities must identify and prosecute all those involved in the murder, including the instigators and organisers.”

The rapporteur added: “Mr Nemtsov dedicated himself to the Russian people’s aspiration for democracy and freedom, and for this he paid with his life. Justice in the Nemtsov case is a matter of ensuring that respect for human rights is upheld. It is my duty to continue to draw attention to this case, and I will endeavour to ensure that Boris Nemtsov and his courageous efforts for democracy are not forgotten.”

“Our thoughts are with Mr Nemtsov’s family and friends,” he concluded.


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