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Bako Sahakyan convened a consultation with the supreme command staff of the Defense Army at the head of Defense minister Jalal Haroutyunyan

March 19,2020 11:00

On 18 March Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan convened a consultation with the supreme command staff of the Defense Army at the head of Defense minister Jalal Haroutyunyan.

Issues related to army-building, current situation along the Artsakh-Azerbaijani border were on the discussion agenda.

Special attention was drawn to the measures taken to prevent the spread of acute respiratory infections and the new coronavirus in the army.

Bako Sahakyan gave concrete instructions to the Defense Army’s command staff towards providing a systematic solution to the issues under discussion.

Minister of State Grigory Martirosyan and other officials participated in the consultation.


Central Information Department

of the Office of the Artsakh Republic President

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