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The authorities of the Republic created all the necessary conditions for the elections to be held on a competitive and free basis and in line with international standards

April 01,2020 23:05

Statement by the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Artsakh on the National Elections Held in the Republic

On March 31, 2020, in accordance with the Constitution adopted at the national referendum in 2017, the sixth presidential and the seventh parliamentary elections were simultaneously held in the Republic of Artsakh.

The authorities of the Republic created all the necessary conditions for the elections to be held on a competitive and free basis and in line with international standards. The elections in Artsakh attracted unprecedented attention: over 140 international observers and about 40 foreign journalists from 38 countries expressed readiness to participate in them. Unfortunately, due to the preventive measures in place in different countries, including restrictions on movement caused by the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), the participation of international observers and foreign journalists was impossible. We express our deep gratitude to all  international observers who expressed readiness to support this important democratic process in Artsakh by their participation. At the same time, around 950 representatives of non-governmental organizations from Artsakh and Armenia observed the elections.

The elections passed in a calm atmosphere, with the active participation of voters. The turnout made 72.2 percent of the total number of voters. According to the preliminary data of the Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Artsakh, five political forces were elected to the National Assembly (Parliament). It should be noted that 10 political parties and 2 party alliances competed for parliamentary seats. Due to the fact that none of the presidential candidates took over 50% of the votes, the second round of the presidential elections is set to be held, which will take place within the time frame prescribed by the law.

The elections held in conditions of openness and political pluralism have once again demonstrated the determination of the authorities of the Republic of Artsakh in  the effective organization of the public life based on the democratic principles, the consistent improvement of state institutions, and the provision of efficient mechanisms of  public control.

We are convinced that the strengthening of democratic traditions and their spread throughout the South Caucasus will become an important contribution to ensuring peace, stability and predictability in the region, as well as  create the necessary conditions for the final settlement of the Azerbaijan-Karabakh conflict by exclusively peaceful means.

The consistent efforts of the authorities and people of Artsakh should be supported by the international community, since the strengthening of democracy, human rights and the rule of law is universal and therefore is the collective responsibility of the entire world community. The creation of artificial obstacles on this path is a violation of the provisions of fundamental international human rights instruments.

Artsakh MFA Press Service

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